Jeremy Hotz – Men Are Still Animals
#JeremyHotz on how men are less sophisticated than women. #JeremyHotzStandUp from the #JustForLaughs Festival in 2013. Subscribe: Watch more #StandUp from #JFL : WATCH MORE: NETFLIX SPECIALS: HAVE…
Read More »DeAnne Smith – This Is What a Feminist Looks Like
#DeAnneSmith on embodying a stereotype. #DeAnneSmithStandUp from the #JustForLaughs Festival in 2017. Subscribe: Watch more #StandUp from #JFL : WATCH MORE: NETFLIX SPECIALS: HAVE YOU SEEN THEM ON…
Read More »The Fed’s Austerity Program to Reduce Wages
To Wall Street and its backers, the solution to any price inflation is to reduce wages and public social spending. The orthodox way to do this is to push the economy into recession in order to reduce hiring. Rising unemployment will oblige labor to compete for jobs that pay less and less as the economy Continue Reading
The post The Fed’s Austerity Program to Reduce Wages first appeared on Michael Hudson.